Chapter 374:Diversion Tactics

Between the border of Kinley and Arkham, there were many secret bases which had been built in advance.

The war that had been waged wasn't something that had been decided on a whim, rather it was planned for years and preparations had been taking place quite a long ago.

In one of those secluded bases.

Hundreds of people were currently residing in it and warp gates were being built in it.

Things were quite chaotic all around. And everyone around here is filled with anxiousness.

"We just got the message that they have taken down the four defence lines and the people whom we had deployed from before, are heading towards the rear to form a base camp."

"The Kinley seemed to be struggling to get back the defence lines and were unaware of the strategy. Also, our paratroopers had made sure to move towards the rear at night so that their movements couldn't be caught quickly."