Chapter 430:Heartful Talk

"Alex, can you tell us what happened out there? We need details."

"Since no one knows about your whereabouts, the situation is not great for you. Shen is trying to wipe out the survivors who evaded the calamity."Catherine spoke.

"I expected that much from that piece of shit. Things might haven't turned out like this if he had informed the Capital." Alex spoke with disgust.


The door opened as Riya entered and as soon as she saw her sister, she gave a pleasant smile and engaged in some hearth talk after which Alex started to narrate the events.

They noticed Alex's expression as he recounted it.

Riya's body trembled as she remembered that experience while Alex's hand gripped tightly to the armrest of the chair causing it to break into pieces.

His wives were horrified and lost their composure as they heard the tale. Alex also told them everything he had encountered till now in Arkham.