Chapter 433:Another Absurd Oracle

A storm that rose out of nowhere that swept through the entire Arkham.

It was due to certain rumours that spread like wildfire at an astonishing rate.

Many people believed it to be a rumour at first and were sceptical about it. But it was this scepticism which piqued their interest and forced them to try out the thing that made quite a fame in a short amount of time.

Golden Water.

A product introduced by Lockheart Merchant groups that claimed to help in making the land fertile and increase productivity.

And the surprising aspect was that Lockheart had dispatched all its personnel to carry out the trade.

Carts laden with golden water were transported to villages and farmlands that were previously affected by miasma.

Some even found that the Golden water was able to dispel miasma and cure the people who were affected by miasma and showed initial symptoms of fatigue and loss of vitality.