Chapter 439:Treating First Prince Of Arkham

Noah narrated everything to Siena who from time to time glared at Alex.

She also took a peek and glanced at Riya with jealousy wondering how there could be a woman as beautiful as her who seems like a sculpture made by the Goddess.

"Are you really going to believe in him?"

"What if he harms us, brother? Who is gonna take responsibility?" Siena asked with a cold look.

"It seems she isn't as naive as she looks, "Alex murmured.

"What did you say?" Siena scowled at Alex.

Alex just shrugged his shoulders and stepped forward"Let's not waste more time."

Noah asked Siena to calm down and hold her grudges for later.

Alex sat down before Nolan and observed him.

He first checked his pulse and channelized his mana inside him.

Noah and Siena observed Alex with a grim expression.

Alex cannot claim to be a proper physician but at least he wasn't a layman in this regard.