Chapter 455:Entering The Royal Mausoleum


It was a mournful cry.

One who would look at the cry couldn't guess whether it was filled with joy or sadness.


"I am happy for Aeon."

"He deserved it."

The huge bulky man shed tears while sneaking at Aeon from afar.

Instead of an intimidating warrior, he looks more like a crybaby.

"Max, tell me the truth."

"Are you happy for him or are you sad because he isn't single anymore?"Alex asked and patted Max's shoulder.

Max felt as if an arrow pierced his heart and he burst into tears.

"It's all right. You will meet your soulmate one day."

Max rubbed his eyes and wiped off the tears.

"Now, tell me how all you have been?"Alex asked and looked at his men who had been staying in the royal castle and were training with the imperial soldiers.

The joint exercise was quite fruitful and each of them has become stronger than before.