Chapter 462:Victory Had Already Been Decided

Flames raged around the place.

Needles were struck all over the person's body.

His veins bulge and mana swirled around him and got sucked as if there was a black hole.

All the pores of his body seemed to be open and mana was pulled into it and transmitted to the body.

Alex spat a mouthful of dark lumpy substance and got rid of all the impurities his body had accumulated over the month.

Terrifying gusts swept all around the place and reddish mana ensheathed him wholly filled with destructiveness.

He opened his eyes and glowed and soon his body that was radiating flames unexpectedly disappeared along with the stoppage of the flow of the mana.

For a moment, everything returned to nothingness as if he was a common man without any power or mana.

And soon a crimson appeared over his head which soon disappeared along with the mana.