Chapter 529:Trampling Over His Pride

A horrifying sound emerged from Hex's body.

Four pairs of dark wings sprouted from his back.

Long gnarly claws stretched out from his head.

Nine eyes lit over his dark face and a pair of horns grew over his head.

Hex currently looked like a fallen angel and a messenger of darkness.

A shrill inhumane scream echoed which was speaking to Alex not to ignore his existence.

It was signalling Alex to die with regret for making him do this.

With this, his power started to evolve.

It was quite different and powerful as if the manifestation of an ancient being. 

Hex, whose body was unstable with the sudden influx of power, started to stabilize himself much to Alex's surprise.

It was similar to angels however instead of holiness there just was filth and disgust.

"The pill wasn't ordinary."Alex's eyes widened with caution as Hex's energy evolved and his existence imprinted on the world.

The Power of Darkness.