Chapter 542:Challenging The Top Powerhouse Of Demons


As soon as the human wrapped in lightning struck as if several bombs had been detonated, a huge explosion made the ground shudder horribly.

A large shockwave struck the vanguard of the Dark Elves sending everyone flying.

For a moment, a blinding flash encased an area of 300 metres which was followed by a streak of lightning devouring the dark Elves.

Bolts of lightning run around crazily exploding Dark Elves into a bloody mess.

The one near Antwan was turned into a blood mist and as the sea of lightning charges flashed onto everyone they were burnt to a crisp while the remnants of some vaporized instantly.

The cacophony of screams and bellows merged with the sound of explosions resonating all around the place.

It was a gruesome sight. Such was the destruction that even Antwan was sent flying by the impact and crashed onto a boulder breaking it into pieces.