Chapter 579:Suppressing The Enemy

Hearing the voice, their body screamed in shock.

The tent had been guarded tightly by top warriors.

Even an insect could not enter here without their permission.

So how…

An unknown man not only entered the place but also sat right beside them and listened to their conversation without even letting them find out about him.

All of this happened in a place where thousands of fierce strong warriors are present.

This made them look like a joke.

This was absurd.

If others knew about this then wouldn't they become a joke in people's eyes?

"Who are you?"A loud piercing sound was heard.

"Apprehend him?"Levilyn shouted.

"Also, don't kill him or injure his face."Levilyn's heart thumped seeing such a beautiful place.

The dark guards immediately shot towards Alex trying to pin him down.

Alex snickered inside.

He might look alone but that does not mean he is weak.