Chapter 602:Proposal[2]

For a moment, Alex's expression cracked and his breathing hastened. Beads of sweat formed over his head. Taking up a moment, he scanned the entire area around him. Seeing no one, he finally heaved in relief.

Alex then stared straight into Nux's eyes and muttered"Sorry, I have to refuse."

Nux's brows creased hearing the reply.

"Is there a particular reason for that? I know you must be weary of a Demoness who is suddenly barging into Kinley. You must think I have bad intentions but I swear I don't have any. I can take a mana oath and even bind by the Goddess Seal."Nux paused for a moment to observe Alex's expression.

Seeing no change in those gazes, she spoke further"You didn't need to accept me as a concubine. You can even make me a maid or lock me in one of those palaces or I can stay away from you if this disgusts you so much. I just want proof of marriage."

"Forgive me, I can't."

"Why?"Nux's voice became louder and she became flustered.