The time continued passing, and it was already evening with the sun almost at the horizon, declaring the end of daytime before it sets with sounds of mantras and bells.
When Chandraka opened his eyes slowly with a little bit of headache, he found himself lying on a bed with a confused expression as he looked at the familiar roof from his memory.
"When did I reach home?" muttered Chandraka to himself as he got up and found a sheet of paper beside his bed. Just by looking at it, he understood that it was his grandfather's handwriting.
"There is still some nutrition fluid left inside the freezer." Have a drink and relax your body; I will return by eight o'clock.
Seeing this, he didn't think much and left his room.
Chandraka ' room was on the second floor, with the house entity made up of wood, which is well furnished and simply gives off a pleasant aroma.
One must know that it is very expensive to have wooden houses in this world. due to the harsh atmosphere of the world. The trees here are of the highest quality and are molecularly dense and strong, making it harder to cut them down for the average person even with special tools. Especially those trees that have existed for hundreds and thousands of years and require official warrior stage experts to handle. It is also one of the reasons that, even after occurring, many places throughout the land mass of Bharat are covered in thick forest and are home to various species of beasts and vegetation making them forbidden places for average citizens to visit without protection. Another reason is because of the supernatural powers of beast trainers, who are able to communicate and domesticate the beasts. These places act as breeding grounds to fill in the supply need for military and commercial use of transportation.
Waking down the stairs, he walked to the dining room, where the freezer was kept in a corner, opened it up, and took out a ten-centimetre-long cylindrical glass container filled with violet-coloured semi-fluid serum. The majority of regular people use the nutrition drink that is widely sold on the market as a supplement. The distribution of the higher grade, which is only open to government employees and students at military academies, is closely regulated by the state. But still, these are quite expensive given the income of common citizens.
Chandraka, being a bright student with a promising future, is provided with ten of these things every month free of charge under his medical treatment privilege. Ordinary students, on the other hand, can only dream. It is one of the benefits of climbing the academic ladder in the state.
Chandraka observed the fluid carefully; he was not like the original owner of the body, and he carefully opened the cap, followed by the release of the misty vapor as the top of the container touched his lips. The serum slowly followed into his mouth, with the tingle flavour tickling his taste buds and the feeling of freshness. As soon as the fluid reached his body, it was devoured by his cells, which seemed to have been hungry for decades.
Without himself knowing, he quickly finds out that he has emptied the contents.
He also eats some fruits and gets back to his bed.
It's nearing eight o'clock, and grandfather returns, "I am at home; where are you, my boy?"
Chandraka wakes up and rushes to the stairs, where he finds grandpa Santhan unwrapping some packets that hold clothes that look like a type of military academy uniform known for their high endurance to wear and tear during intense action and a mysterious wooden box.
It was the first time he had seen him aside from his memories of the real Chandraka.
He looked like Bhishma Pithama from the Mahabharat TV series from his past life, with his tall and muscular body, even in his old age, with clear eyes and a long white beard and hair.
"Grandpa, what are these things for?"
"Chandraka, come and take a seat. I would like to have a talk with you."
Looking at how serious his grandfather is, he can't help but think about the medical checkup and why he will bring back military clothes with him.
"Grandfather, there is something wrong with my body."
Hearing that, he looked at his grandson and sighed.
"I never wanted you to go down this path, but it seems I have no choice but to accept the verdict of destiny."
"Yes, there is something wrong with your body and it's related to your mother."
"My mother?"said Chandraka in confusion. As he has no recollect of ever meeting her nor about his father. His grandfather has always avoided talking about them.
"I never told you but your mother was not born on earth, she is not even a Manushya. You must have read in your history book about the various portals which connect our earth with various parts of the universe."
"Yes, I know about them. It's from these portals that extraterrestrial beings entered our world seventy thousand years ago and created the event called final judgment day which destroyed and enslaved nine percent of the pure blooded manushya population but later under leadership of Chakravarti Samrat Virat kala, various bharatiya rajas united to free us from their rule and reclaiming jambudweep. Later, many manushya clans of jambudweep intermixed with races which were friendly to us while some looked down upon manushya. Creating the present complex condition of the world."
"It's good that you know. It will make it easier to explain for I am about to tell you "A deep tone voice make out of his mouth with a bit of hesitation on his face and nostalgia.
"Do you know why those portals opened up?"
Chandraka shaked his head.
"The ancient seal of time and space on earth was cracked whose purpose was to prevent beings from other realms from entering our earth during the dharma declining era. We don't know do did it. Slowly most of the portals got closed and many of the hostile races were kicked out but some became permanent which are by organization of various rastras to explore the vast space. Eventually after thousands of years of exploration into space we found out that the nine seals which encircle out entire area of our observable night sky in a form of nine worlds with earth at centre. The Earth seal was cracked which also created a crack in the overall system causing the outer territory races to discover us and even wanted to invade our territory unfortunately for them powerful people among them cannot enter our territory for now. But the situation has gotten worse in the last hundred years. Fifty years ago, one of the seals was broken due to sudden appearance of the crack in the seal. Opening up a portal to outer world and the entire seal started to disintegrate making the crack much wider. I and my team were sent on a mission to rescue and rehabilitate people of the nine-saint world which is one of our allied forces which lies at the end of our area of encircle. It was then when I felt that some kind of will is guiding me and found your mother that possesses all of the power and energy of the destroyed seal within her and I saved her from the hands of the minions of the phantom kings who are one of the outer beings attacking us. I raise her like my own daughter and give her the same training that I provided to your dad, who was my dear disciple. With time, they got closer and closer; they fell in love with each other, and you were born before they even got married."
saying that he glimpsed at Chandraka.
"I was so angry with your father and would have almost bitten his bones into powder, if not, it because of the pitiful look of your mother eyes and your face."
"When you were born, it truly put a great burden on her body and almost pushed her into the gate of death. If not for the help of your aunt, she and you would not have survived. Later, as you grow up, you will frequently fall into a coma and will remain in that condition for weeks while the cheap father will go around looking for your aunt and me."
"One day, she realized that you have inherited a portion of the energy possessed by her but as time passed by, we discovered that energy is slowly increasing inside you as her power decreases and due to your weak human body, it cannot sustain them and is slowly destroying your body. She distanced herself from you but it did not completely stop the process and only slowed it down. You were like a time bomb which can go off anytime. Seeing that we have no choice but to seal your powers and your mother also distanced herself further for your safety now the seal has slowly begun to unlock as they cannot bear the energy which has been constantly increasing and slowly the gates of death are opening for you.
"Grandpa, I truly cannot understand what you are talking about." What powers? What phantom king? "Can you go a little slow?"
The sound of knocking came from the main door of the house. The expression on Santhan's face became serious until he heard a familiar voice.
"Uncle, It's me. Rakshika, can you open the door?"
"Coming, wait for a moment."