052: Guroks The Threes I

Cole locked blades with a goblin and quickly turned it in the direction of an incoming blast of fire from one of the shamans. The goblin in question let out a startled cry as the car splashed on his back, Cole responded by grabbing it's neck immediately.

[Sin Eater]

The influx of energy he received from the Goblin was enough to finish it off, as he quickly rolled to the side, avoiding another fire ball, as he got himself Tangled in between the legs of two other goblins. He grunted in pain as he felt a spear come down on his calf, but he took it in stride and rolled, bringing both goblins to the ground in a tangled heap. The only thing unfortunate about this position for them was that they were both facing down and he up.

He short sword flashed left and right, finding purchase in their backs, right above their waist. The third lumbar down… Riddick's sweet spot.