059: Bounties

The station was built in the same manner as every other building he has been in, it was larger on the inside that it looked outside. Deputy Dawson pointed him in the direction of a massive bulletin board that had dozens of posters pasted onto it.

The act of picking a bounty wasn't so convoluted or stressful all Cole had to do was pick a bounty and it would be registered as a quest. All bounties could be submitted to any police station or mayor's office in any town or settlement to get the required rewards. Never the less all of the bounties had ranks from bronze all the way up to diamond ranked bounties.

Cole didn't want to stress too much, he would be on the road for a while and would have to go through quite a few towns on his was to the frontier, he did not want to be taken out of the way too much, with bounty Hunts. At least not until he gets to his destination.