083: Factory Of The Damned II

Cole followed close behind as Morgan bulldozed his way through the streams of spirits of the damned that kept on Popping up in their path. Cole supported Morgan by taking out the monsters that were hanging in the air or the ones that he couldn't reach.

They came out of the area that had the massive barrels and entered another that had much smaller barrels spread out for as far as they eye could see. Cole identified the end of the building along with a factory rig that seemed to be responsible for breeding and bottling up, whatever concoction Titus felt the need to break in such large quantities, because Cole would not lie…. This part of the factory absolutely reeked.

Fortunately for them, there were less spirit of the damned here, or better yet there were none at all. Cole turned around and noticed that the spirits of the damned were sequestered tightly in the path they had taken to get to the next areas of the factory.