105: Glade Solitude III

Cole still had a few things to check before he stepped out of the glade. He noticed that the glade seemed to have some sort of passive healing effect as Gregory, or Xerxes99 as he wanted to be called had his tongue regrown. Cole was finally able to remember his name after all, never the less it was just him, Xerxes and Farida who were inhabitants of the glade…. Perhaps it was time to put his antisocial tendencies to the side.

With the three months out in the real world, the time dilation now in effect would enable it that they would be playing for almost if not over a year and a half. And within that time, quite a lot of things can happen, especially in regards to growth from his abilities, and for the glade. Territory management was a part of the Titan Rising Online, but very few people ever get the chance to explore it.