198: The 1st Wave III

Cole quickly raised his head as he saw Baneling Zombies bring thrown into the air one after the other. It wasn't too long after that he was able to see what was the cause of the ruckus. What he could only consider as the Hulk of the Baneling Zombies surged out of the frontlines, a good ten feet tall of pure packed muscle and almost if not as wide as three full grown men. His or rather her skin was grey, with exposed breasts that sagged all the way to the ground and had a set of three nipples each.


Each breast had an infant zombie attached to each nipple as they drew blood and whatever the fuck passed a milk within those massive rotten cadavers. She was grey, and had bone spurs sticking out from behind ever major joint in her body. Spines behind her elbows, knees, ankles, and her knuckles, and she moved like a tank and would probably be able to take a hit like one.