204: The 2nd Wave IV

That had to be the most anticlimactic fight Cole has ever experienced in the entirety of the time he has spent on the fourth floor. But then again such a scenario would not have happened if he and Cassandra had not been able to properly synergize and capitalize on the opening Cole had given her. But even at that, the fight was still not over yet as there were still the two bruisers as Neral had called them.


"Well that was totally and completely unexpected, but be that as it may I can't let the two of you have all of the fun. So I'll be taking those two…. Unless of course the both of you have anything to say about it?" Farida asked as she adjusted her Hijab which flower down around her like a cape, as two massive wings popped out of her back. Cole had forgotten that she was actually some sort of angelic or celestial race, either ways, Farida was pretty much the light to his darkness as she leapt over the barrier, not even waiting for Cole to finish speaking.