228: The 10th Wave III


The truth of the matter was that Cole could not do this all day like he just said he could. He was finding it hard to breathe at the moment and his vision was swimming. The pain aside, it did not look like he was going to be getting out of this one unscathed, but then again Cole was cockroach. His ability to survive and withstand anything thrown his way was so far unmatched by anyone in any of the floors or back in his reality….. at least not that he has seen.


So when [Wrath Drive ] was activated, Cole did not attempt to separate himself from the Baneling Boss that had half his arm shoved into Cole's chest. Instead he smashed the pommel of [Black Malakai] into the side of his head, his eyes widening in horror as the blade just bounced off within doing anything at all, a dull metallic clang heard in the process as the Baneling boss chuckled. But Cole did not let that stop him, he had the perfect recipe for dealing with overpowered Boss characters.