242: Part 1: The Return I

When Cole logged back into the 3rd floor, it was right where he had left, but there was a clamor filling the air. He turned in the direction the sounds of unrest was coming from and discovered it was coming from the entrance of his Valley, or better yet his territory. He moved towards it, Delarosa seamlessly sliding out of his shadow to walk a little ways behind him. Even if he would never admit it, there was a part of him that was just absolutely giddy about having a bodyguard that was his literal shadow.


"Guys you should all calm down, but ultimately there's nothing I can do about this. This all belongs to the World Breaker and he has already imposed the rules necessary and those rules have been implemented by the system. And you all should be smart about this, what you all are asking for is impossible, he owns everything that you can see, asking him to let you harvest his territory's resources without paying a task is wrong."