262: Part 1: The Glade Wars VII

The fifteen minuets that Cole had to keep a hold of both the core and the territory was child's play for him. At this point it was almost as if he was an adult bullying children. His appearance had wiped out all of the darklings, allowing more people access into the western Glade. However it was all akin to throwing eggs against a rock, they did not even get the chance to come close enough to Cole as Neral pretty much left holes in many of their bodies before they could even get past the pillars.


"Well that's another rather anticlimactic end don't you think Neral?" Cole asked as the cyber dog shrugged his shoulders in response. There was quite a lot for the both of them to think about anyways, for Cole it was the notifications now hanging at the edge of his vision. He wanted to check, because he felt and knew that it would be significant, but he had to be focused on what was in front of him.