298: Ring A Ring A Prison I

Cole has never been to a prison before, but he has seen the structures many times before in movies, so perhaps he had a certain level of expectation about what a prison is supposed to be or look like…..the Naughty Nurse was very different. It's cells were in a spiral, and apart from the single elevator that was under control by the pirates, there was only one other way to go to the top level where the crew and the deck were.


And that was to use the spiral walkway, placed in front of the cells, or rather follow the cells themselves in an upward motion, till you get to the top. He had to say that the design was quite impressive, he was sure it was done this way to ensure that should the prisoners escape, they would have to take the long way to get to the top, giving the warden/captain and his guards enough time to intercept them.