310: Meeting Bob Again

Docking into the harbor again this time was quite the sight, but it was not for anything other than to look around and see if he could get information about his targets. The dragon did not seem particularly forthcoming about it, and Cole did not want to seem inept and incapable of handling it.


The guards did not bother him this time, which in his own humble opinion was quite good. Navigating his way back to the roundabout that was also the main square of the city, he was able to find an Inn that even though it's architecture was looking different, was something that was very familiar to him.


[Bob's Inn and General Store]


Cole rolled his eyes, when you seek him, you never find him, when you don't seek him, you still never find him, but when you need him, that's when he shows up. Cole picked his way across the crowd of people until he opened the doors of the inn and went in.