327: Black Malakai, Methuselah And Azazel

[The Spear of Life And Green 'Methuselah' Has Ranked Up To Gold Rank I Cost 2 Gold Rank Prisms and 2 Souls Of At Least A Thousand Years To Raise To Gold Rank 2]

[The Active Skill Point Green Has Evolved To Bristlecone Pine Reverie]

[The Active Skill Spore Prison Has Been Unlocked]


[Skill: Bristlecone Pine Reverie: summon a shadow of methuselah that is at least 1000 meters tall. Everywhere where the shadow of this tree touches, life will grow and vitality and energy is restored to full for a duration of 30 seconds! Targets only allies, enemies will find their vitality and energy sapped and used to fuel the skill. The more enemies that are under the shadow of the tree the longer it will last and the more potent the restoration!: Cost 25% of Total Energy]