347: The River Bridge II

To Cole this was more than just a simple what's your name question. It was deeper, more fundamental and had to do with how he saw himself and exactly what sort of person he wanted to be. But there was no way he would have a true answer for that question. He could not just say that his name was Cole Night, or Cole World Breaker Raen Night. He was a mess, in the end the right answer to the question this weird giant ocean woman asked was.


"I don't Know."


And the moment Cole gave that answer he could breath, and just from taking a dep breath he found himself back on top of the river bridge. He fell to his knees coughing as the woman rose out of the bridge, still looking as massive as she was under the water. Cole had to be honest, while she did not give off the same feeling as Deraka, to his sense she seemed ageless.