352: Dungeon Seed I

The girl stuttered, unable to string a coherent thought. Cole understood it was probably;y because of the way he had marched up, as far as stuck up rich people who didn't give a shit about what the people of the community were going through. Cole had acted in a way that no one expected, but then again this was Cole they're talking about, no one is better at being more spontaneous than him.


"So let me put all this to rest, I don't give a shit about your community or what it stands for or the fact that you bunch of people are under the impression that if you stay in front of my building and scream to the top of your voice it will stop me from achieving what I came here for.


In case you haven't heard, the world is ending. Shit much worse than 'stuck up rich people' are coming to tear your babies out of your wombs and arms and litter your bodies around the remains of your children and the remains of your children around their pets.