409: Military Man III

"My name is High Guild Lord Teron. I serve directly under his majesty King Zilluon Zarian Zorn! First of his name and Guild king of the great city of Te Boreas, Commander in chief of her armed forces and true born king of Te Boreas." Cole could care less about this guys name, in all honesty but he was strong but he was strong and at this point in  time it would be extremely hypocritical of Cole if he should see the strength of someone else and not be able to appreciate it or at least respect it.


"You have left us in quite a dilemma Mr. Cole. However seeing as you are here and a person of your 'strength' would most definitely not be in an army fighting someone else war. At your stage of power, you would be enjoying a cushy government position  or be living your best life. Your strong enough that almost no except the low guild lords would be able to challenge you. So what could have possibly driven you to joining the Militia."