478: Chaos Lord: Hunting Pack

His Chaos Lord skill was in his Divination stat, Cole was not so sure how well that would synergize with a giant animal Mecha. He was puzzled, Lyren was a heavy hitter so it stood to reason that he should be attached to a stat and skill with devastating combat potential.

But the Chaos Pup would not want to be in any other stat other than the one that had his chaos Lord skill attached to it. But much more than that, Cole now had a second chance to look at it and realize he might have messed up a bit….after all, if his control over chaos, which admittedly he has used quite well should go to the Divination stat, which only made him see the future then he was screwed.

"it doesn't matter it's the divination stat, just put me where I belong master." Cole rolled his eyes at Lyren as he did as the pup had asked.