483: The Abyss Born Assassin I

Azrael felt at home in the darkness, even more so within this dungeon that has been his home for a good three months. He was warned of course, the time dilation effect was extreme, a day outside of the dungeon was a month in it.

The information he got about the place had said they it was a land of opportunities and treasures. Finding it and setting the trap for Cole had taken him the better part of a month. He had ignored everything else that there was to see about the seventh floor, he just needed to put an end to Cole.

Or course after so many failures Azrael', was back to the drawing board. Cole was a 'local' hero, at least as far as their universe was concerned. So him dying would be sure to fuck things up, probably doom the entire human race for good. Azrael was aware of that, but he didn't care. The world, the universe already abandoned him long ago, after all it was his own family that handed him over to others for experimentation.