487: Divining Devil's Eye

To Cole's extreme surprise, the monster never noticed him. He had drained it till the point that he was not just healed of all his injuries, he was filled to the brim with energy with some of it even spilling out into the atmosphere.

When he pulled back, only about a quarter if nor less than that of the tentacle had turned desiccated, as proof that Cole had drained the creature of its energy. Either way, this was the first time Cole had drained something and it did not even react at all, almost as if he was some random insect.

Well Cole was grateful for that, he'd rather not be noticed, but now that he was back to full health and then some, he had to figure out the next step. He doubted this octopus had not noticed him, yet it had not reacted, so. It was worrying why, but perhaps the injury that had been inflicted on it was a lot more serious than Cole though.