501: The Void Express II

Men have always been bred and born for war. Conflict has always been something we were really good at and right now, Cole seemed to have fallen into a zone spurred and controlled by nothing other than an appetite for pure and absolute violence.

Cole swung his spear to the left, trailing behind it green energy that Gabe it even more powerful than normal. Cole was like a tree, his roots planted solidly even within the void, as he withstood the onslaught of Voidlings. For a moment Azrael even had to stop fighting just to watch, to understand and to know.

Cole welcomed the numbers, if it were him he would have already found a way to get out of here. Cole was an Iron Man with an Iron heart. Resilient and built in such a way that could make him just keep going for ages. Cole is a one man army, a slayer of armies while Azrael was a slayer of men. But even with everything he had in his arsenal, he had not been able to bring Cole down, and now he understands why.