503: The Void Express IV

Cole spat to the side, seeing that monster still on its feet was pretty annoying, but then again when you are up against a creature or such immense power, you had to expect that everything you do would be akin to hitting an egg against a rock. There was just one thing though, thick creature had absolutely no defense or attacks, it's been defending itself by utilizing physical attacks.

That more than spoke volumes of the level of power it had, however this creature was akin to a hive queen for the Voidlings. It's their mother and they're responsible for defending and feeding it. As such it had developed in a way that focused it's skills and techniques into the management and production of its tiny children. Well compared to it's own massive size anyways, there was nothing tiny about the Voidlings.

"How do we bring that damn thing down?" Cole asked to join one in particular as he took a closer look at the Void Nestling Azrael appeared besides him as he said.