523: The Circle Of Ares VI

Cole was led to a private room within the Arena. It was there he cleaned up and settled down to digest his gains from the battle Royale, though honestly it was not by much. His only technique to experience any growth was the {Hunting Pack} technique.

[Technique Hunting Pack Has Reached Level 2!]

[Divination Diamond Rank III =>> Diamond Rank IV]

A stronger divination stat was worrying for Cole, it would do wonders for his hunting Pack technique though, there was something about the summoning technique that Cole felt he was missing. And that was another addition to his current frustrations! All of this techniques he was using them and feeling as if he was missing a big part of them, like he was under utilizing then and not pushing them to their full capacities….at least for the techniques that were not {Gravity Rings} and {Storm Calling}.