541: 7th Floor Finale I

Cole rolled his eyes at the sound of Bogo-Mogo announcing his ninth win for the Grandmaster division. Cole had approached the challenge as he ought to, and now he was almost at the end of his adventure on the 7th floor, he was just looking forward to who his final opponent would be.

Tehila had told him that his opponent would surprise him, but in the end that this was a rematch a long time coming. Cole was not so sure who she was talking about, but he was prepared regardless, and he was tired of the Arena too, the whole thing had gotten quite monotonous.

"Ladies and Gentlegents! We have come to the finale of the World Breaker's Run in the diamond division of the Circle of ARES! And my what a show it has been!

Creating a record that no one has ever matched! Not even his next opponent! Who might be his worst foe yet...UNDEFEATED!