"Please! Leave me alone!"

"Yeah. Looks good."

We? Or her hair? 

For a moment, Jerrod thought Larissa was referring to them because of how she stared at their reflection in the mirror.

He also stared at their reflections, and the image of them being together put chaos in his heart and mind.

His reasons for wanting to look good together and why he wanted to be together are something his mind can't accept, but his heart's desires.

"Let's go?"

Jerrod stopped the war between his mind and heart after Larissa held his hand. It's her first time holding his hand first, and it instantly puts a truce to his chaotic inner thoughts.

He smiled again and intertwined his fingers with her as he thought, "Fuck those thoughts. I'll think about that later."

He thought of enjoying this date and would think about his anxiety later.