"You don’t have to get your hands dirty"

Jerrod knew it would be a rough search in the water. He believed that even the sky and the sea prevented them from conducting a simple search. A cheerful moon would not have fit amid the calm sea. A storm was developing.

They all wondered if the hunt this evening wouldn't be in vain, despite the fact that they don't understand why the GPS is taking them out to sea.

The temperature suddenly dropped when the boat started to rock from side to side. The moon was blocked by thick clouds. They churned ominously in the darkness. Thunderstorms painted the moon's bright silver with spectral brilliance, sending down light shivers.

  As if a wraith's sorrowful veil were moving toward them, the rain was moving beneath the moon. The surface of the tranquil sea was rippled by a winnowing wind that fermented and groaned.