ALT: 3 Larissa x Jerrod

With each passing year, Jerrod and Larissa's love continued to flourish. Their life together was a celebration of their unwavering commitment to each other, and they made it a point to mark every milestone and anniversary with special moments of love and gratitude.

Their anniversary was always a highlight of the year. One year, Jerrod surprised Larissa with a romantic getaway to a quaint seaside village. They spent their days exploring cobblestone streets, dining in cozy restaurants, and watching the sunsets over the tranquil ocean.

As they strolled along the beach, hand in hand, Jerrod paused to pick up a seashell and handed it to Larissa. "A token of our love," he said with a smile.

Larissa held the seashell to her heart, her eyes shining with love. "It's perfect, just like our love."