6 Whats wrong with you?

"Grandma? What if you have so much to do?"

Jean's eyes twinkled with wisdom. "Even on busy days, I make sure to set aside some time just for you. It might not always be a lot, but it's enough to let you know that you're important to me."

As they continued to swing gently on the porch, Jean shared stories of her own childhood and the times she had spent with her own grandmother. She spoke of picnics in the park, afternoons baking cookies, and evenings spent stargazing. Each memory was a testament to the gift of time and the love that had been passed down through generations.

Klay listened with rapt attention, realizing that the gift of time was about creating memories, strengthening bonds, and making the people you cared about feel special. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for her grandmother's love and the moments they shared.