Chapter 284. Speeding up Cultivation

Yong Baili complied with Amon's wish. He taught Amon how fast the counterclockwise spin of the focused aether was needed. This technique was much trickier than the disruptive technique because Amon couldn't simply go full power. If the spinning were too fast, it would have the opposite effect.

Using his Spirit Stage sense, Yong Baili could detect the power and speed of the aether focused on Amon's finger. He gave Amon a cue every time Amon hit the right spinning speed. Amon memorized the sensation and tried to maintain this tempo. It was easier said than done. The concentration required to maintain such a small measure of aether was extreme.

He failed to perform any stimulating poke in his two hours of learning. By then, An Guan came into the room.

"Sorry, kids. Got to go," Yong Baili said.