Yan Long's head was hung low. He didn't dare to speak back.
"Are you sure these are the best of the bunch?" Shi Zi asked.
"Do not worry, old Zi," Ji Zhi said. "They may be rough on teamwork, but they are individually competent."
"Whatever you say, old fart," Shi Zi said.
"Can you please stop embarrassing me in front of my students?" Ji Zhi complained. The two walked back into the mansion.
"So, is everyone ready to listen to my command?" Sima Fang asked.
"Yes, sir! I mean… Ma'am!" Wu Di exclaimed.
"All right. Now, form a single file!" Sima Fang ordered.
Everyone started arranging themselves into a file, except for Amon. He said, "Stop wasting my time."
Sima Fang smiled. She said, "Friend Lin Mo. Can I trust you to follow my orders when the needs arise?"
Amon replied, "If your orders are not dumb and don't put me at a great risk, I don't mind following."