Second Client

I entered Class 1-2 and everyone seems to be expecting me. The class was quiet, and well behave for a talent filled class I was expecting them to be a bit more full of themselves but seems they're not. "Okay, everyone my name is Professor Vaughn and I'll be your homeroom teacher for this class and I teach science specializing in Chemistry. And this is my first time teaching here and teaching in general so I hope everyone will cooperate with me as this is the first class I'll be doing with you all."

"Sir! You don't look like a chemistry teacher though." Said one of the students. "I don't? Well can't this fellow like chemistry?" I replied. "Sorry for assuming that teach." The student replied. "It's fine since this is the first day we'll be learning each other for today." And every student introduced themselves to myself. "My name is Dustin Kubrick an famous artist you probably heard about me in the news." As one of the first talented students introduces himself. "Oh, I've been in one of your art galleries very intriguing if I say so myself. I expect good things from you Mr. Kubrick."

"My name is Leon Godwin an athlete." A simple introduction quite surprising for a star player. "Mr. Godwin you play basketball right? And you're the star player for our school's team. I expect your determination at the court can be used in the classroom as well." From the looks of it and from the feedback of the other teachers. He's pretty nice and kind to people and a simple talented man who doesn't need to brag his talent.

"I'm Ophelia Westley, a Model." A proud gal from the looks of it. "Miss Westley I heard you've been doing a lot of model work recently I do worry that it might hinder your lessons but from the entrance exam results you're not far off from the smartest people here. Keep up the good work and don't overwork yourself in the runway we know we don't want to see our model losing her edge."

"Why thank you Professor for your worries I'll do my best in class for everyone's star will always shine." As she said so proudly. A high energy kid, that's what this class needs if I'm completely honest after some of the students introduced themselves so orderly. "Hello, my name is Kyrie Seraph pleasure to be your student of your caliber Professor Vaughn." Oh, seems like she had heard about me.

"Well I was quite surprised that you know me Miss Seraph. Then again I saw you did your speech in a summit a few months prior. Very remarkable, I expect good things more from you Miss Seraph." She is a very talented speaker that managed to persuade millions of people around the globe with her talent. As I go through more of the students here's the last talented young man.

"Hello Professor Vaughn, I'm Winston Cedric I think you already know me." Of course the genius of Class 1-2. "Mr. Cedric I heard your father has been doing well." This kid's father was one of my clients in the arms market but he knows me for one thing and one thing only. My research on propellant gases which he helped me with. "Yes, he is doing well Professor. I hope we continue our cooperation as student and teacher."

"I have to agree with you there kid. But as of now let's get down to business." I began the first lesson and after that homeroom... "Seems like we have a majority vote that Mr. Cedric here will be our class representative. With that said no more questions? Good, class dismissed." First class went well great for my first homeroom.

"Professor Vaughn, my father wants to talk to you about something he might call you soon I was just giving you a heads up." Winston informed me his dad has something to talk about? This is interesting. "Yes, thanks for the heads up I'll pick up once he calls me okay have a great day Mr. Cedric." As Winston left waving after saying that.

I went to the break room when Mr. Cedric called. "Mr. Killjoy how's first day in school? Enjoying life over there?" Said Hank Cedric a business partner I've known since the beginning. "Mr. Cedric your son informed me that you were gonna call? What's the business?" As I reply as if we're close friends. "I see anyways let's get to business. We have a buyer tonight and I want you to meet him requests are pretty interesting." Said Hank. "I see, what's the location?" This is interesting a buyer with interesting requests.

"The boneyard, you know that place. 11:45pm be there. The price is a hefty 1.3 billion dollars in cash." Said Hank. "Holy shit, you serious?" 1.3 billion dollars that is kind of suspicious in cash too meeting at the boneyard. "Yeah, I'll send you his details later you need to sell this man your goods. Trust me on this one Vaughn."

"Hope you prepared that insurance for me." I may need his insurance just in case. "Of course only for the best business partner of mine."

Time is 11:32pm... I arrived earlier than expected in the boneyard been a while since I've been here. "You must be Mr. Killjoy huh? I go by the name of Godfather." As a man wearing a black trench coat with his men standing with him. "Ah, I know you. State your business with me." I have to be straight to the point with him. "I see a man of business as usual Mr. Killjoy. I'm here to buy the best of the best you sell here. I'm buying it for 1.2 billion dollars." Heck this deal is gonna get interesting.