Class Starts, Guns Rolling

Next day... I finished doing my daily routine and I still have time to spare. I did some extra strength training just to keep up with my ever so stressful arms trading. As a famed arms dealer selling cache weapons ain't easy. I have to deal with all different types of people in the field. Terrorists, Private militias, Private armies, the government, hitmen and women, mercenaries, the lot.

It's not always easy, but this is what my grind brought me to today. The scars on my body are just reasons why I love this business the fact that I'm not liable to anything they do with my goods just feels satisfying for me.

Then in the morning I hide all sense of gunpowder, blood money, ill-gotten wealth, cash you don't know where it came from and you don't want to ask how. My Students don't need to learn about what I do for fun. What they need to learn is what they'll be hearing in class.

First class of the day. "Are there anymore questions everyone? If so we'll be having a test tomorrow about the lesson we learnt today. Class dismissed." Word's I have always wanted to say for a long long time now. I have observed that the students recently have plateaued recently though. Especially during the small activity I have given to them.

I might need to adjust my lesson plan for them. As I walk going to the teachers lounge my phone rang and I had to answer it so I went to the empty school rooftop to answer this urgent call. "Hello?" Hearing a new person's voice is quite nice from time to time. "Is this Mr. Killjoy? I have a request for you." He sounds mad from the looks of it. "Yeah? What's the request?" I replied calmly.

"I want you to die." I chuckled after hearing those words again. "Boy, you know this is not the first time I heard those words right? Do you have any other business with me other than sending death threats?" As this isn't the first time a random victim of an attack got mad at me. "I want your head in a silver platter you bastard. You were the reason why my clan fucking died."

"Oh yeah? What so? I wasn't really involved with that kind of business." As I reply calmly. "I won't let you get away selling guns to those kinds of people. I'll come and get you!" From the looks of it I pissed off this kid for selling bunch of my goods to the people who killed his entire clan. Talk about a weak comeback if I say so myself. "Come and get me then punk. If you can anyways. You sure talk big for a sole survivor of a massacre. If you think I'm the one who killed your entire clan think again."

"I swear I will find you and I will wipe you out." Said the kid as he's about to breakdown from the sound of it. "Look kid. I maybe responsible for arming the people who killed your precious clan of yours but what's sold is sold already." As the kid about to say something I followed up my statement. "But, I have another way for you to get your revenge. Visit this location I'll be sending you and prepare as much cash you can carry because I have a suggestion that might give us a win-win situation, what do you think?"

"This sounds fishy..." The kid knows a too good to be true deal, good you're learning. "Pretty keen there Kid I like that. But I never lie to my clients and future clients at mind. I do have the documents of their transactions if you want that." Of course give the kid a reason why he's going to meet me. "Fine, what time?" Quick answer there kid. "Preferably 11pm see you soon there I have work to do." As I hang up on that call since I have classes still. "This is interesting..."

I finished my last classes and from the looks of it my homeroom class is very much improving over last time keep this up kids you'll get far. "Ah, Professor Vaughn I wanted to discuss something about the recent questions that you've changed your ways of teaching again." Said one of the teachers who seemed to be concerned on my ways. "Oh, they did notice? I was changing my teaching ways since I did notice some of the students are stagnant on my classes." I think they're good students just need a bit more elbow grease.

"Well Professor, this is your second day. And the students are getting the impression that you're not a normal teacher." Ah I see I guess my unorthodox ways are a bit unusual for them. "I'll get this ethic of mine fixed soon I'll improve upon this thanks for informing me I was just worried about some of them being stagnant." Guess I need to improve on that one Vaughn. "I see being worried about your students this early is nice but a bit concerning for some so I do recommend you hold back on the unorthodox ways you teach kids."

"Will do. I'll be heading out now thanks for the heads up Ma'am." As I wave goodbye to the teacher who gave me the heads up I went back home as quickly as possible to prepare for tonight's confrontation with that kid.

"Of course I wanna look my best out there as per what my mentor taught me." As I prepare my suit I wore my holsters that will be holding 6 of my guns. Armored gloves, check. Armored undershirt, check. Knife, check. Armored business suit, check. Self? Why of course I'm prepared. As I bring the briefcase with the documents of the transactions and the pictures from the ones who transacted with me. Wondering why I'm helping this kid that had his entire family killed by my goods?

Simple really. I'm an equalizer, I'm in either side of the law. I sell guns to both the good guys and the bad guys. You think I'm the villain of this world? You're reserving yourself. I'm the devil on that besides with both sides. I'm the one who creates mayhem with my business. The kid will understand this soon...