Professor is Scuffed

The following day I gave the students their lessons for the week and a few assessments and quizzes. "That's all for today class dismissed." Seems like that was a nice day of teaching. Seems like I caught attention of my star pupils.

"Professor, we've been noticing you've changed a bit again."

"Oh, Miss Seraph was I changing my ways of teaching again?"

"No, Professor you've changed like physically changed in your ways of writing and walking back and forth along the class."

"Mr. Godwin was I sloppy or something?"

"No, Sir it's just have you been getting enough rest?"

"Do I really look tired? I guess so... I've been busy lately around my laboratory."

"Writing perhaps working on your research paper?"

"Yes, Mr. Cedric I was busy recently I probably had a few hours of sleep from here and there. But anyways I appreciate you guys being worried about my well being but trust me on this one I had worst back then."

"Professor even if you went through worst days having no rest is no excuse for being a bit off today."

"Alright, alright I'll be having proper rest today. Just remember we'll be having a quiz tomorrow so be attentive."

The students waved goodbye after what I've said. I went back to the teachers lounge to prepare the lessons for the next few days and the quizzes along with it. I read along the school paper that came in from the School Newspaper club. Seems like one of their topics was my odd teaching lessons.

"Seems like the kids are talking about you Professor Vaughn."

"Yeah, it's quite rare to have a professor be the main conversation piece of a school paper. By far you're the first teacher to be in the school paper."

"I didn't expect the students be this thorough on my teaching ways."

"Me neither I don't think there's anything wrong with your teaching techniques Professor Vaughn."

"Thanks for the compliment there Professor Max."

Max is a nice guy to be completely honest. He's a good Physicist let's say he's more than sufficient enough for teaching kids since he's also a unorthodox teacher similar to me I guess. While I was reading the Headmaster entered the room.

"Mr. Killford come with me to the office."

Those words can be either a praise or a sign of doom.

"Good luck out there Professor."

I left the teachers lounge and visited the Headmaster's office seems like he has something to tell me about. Seems like it when I saw the headmaster sitting right in front of me very seriously. To be completely honest I don't know what's going on his head anything could happen right here right now. The headmaster starts his cigar and began.

"Mr. Vaughn you've done quite a stir in the School's newspaper. Quite impressive that a teacher became the student's talk of the week."

"Well that's probably due to how I teach them."

The scent of the cigar he puffing out smoke from his mouth lingers around the room reminds me of the old days when I have to meet up with business clients.

"Also Mr. Vaughn I heard another form of news of you recently..."

"Weird... I thought you don't listen to radio news, Headmaster."

"Yes, I was... Until I heard your name again... Mr. Killjoy."

"I never thought I would hear you speak to me let alone be my boss. Maestro."

"I'm surprised you still know that name of mine from years past. But then again you know Vaughn we have the same goal right? To have a peaceful career in the education industry right?"

"I still remember that. Quite surprising for a man who knows his torture techniques."

"Well what you didn't know is that those torture principles can be used for good too you know. Look how my school has become."

"The very best in the whole damn world."

"You're Goddamn right Vaughn. But what I didn't expect from you Vaughn is that you returned as a cleaner again? Did someone dissed you or something?"

"No, but someone was threatening my entire arms dealing empire."

"You're still selling guns to maniacs? I guess that's why you're still rich, I still owe you for funding my first school by the way."

"Why did you call me here anyways?"

"I heard you're trying to find a man called Null right?"

"Yes, who told you that?"

"Anna of course. You know sorry to bring this back up again but after you lost your wife and daughter you've changed significantly and to be honest you should hit up Anna I mean damn."

"Be mature here Maestro what do you have about Null?"

"Ah yes, that. I have some old documents about him. I was his enemy at one point but here's the problem that I realized. Null isn't just one person Vaughn. It's a group of fucked up people ruining the peace of the civilians and us contract killers."

"And why is that a problem?"

"Vaughn you don't know how we might get mixed up with the government's bullshit here and we'll end up taking the blame for all of their attacks to civilians."

"I see how bad would be the damage?"

"Oh, you haven't realized how massive they would cost us to fix this issue. North of a trillion dollars probably."


"I'm not kidding Vaughn. Also I heard you've taken out multiple compounds owned by Null. How's your field trip cleaning up this mess?"

"From what I've found mostly plans on how they would raid my facilities. Nothing more, nothing less. One of their compounds has a false leader even faking that he is Null at one point."

"I see well seems like you've send a message to Null on how you do things those who oppose you."

"So what's the plan then Maestro?"

"Well in case that bastard walks into my school I want you to supply this school with your best weapons. I'll pay full price even just to get the best you own."

"Is that all Maestro?"

"Of course you'll be helping me defend this school. I know, I know you don't take requests anymore and I heard you redacted your phonelines but hear me out this is for your career and your students."

"If it's what I have to do I have to do it then. Sure, I'll lend you some of the best I have for half the price I guess as a means of response to your offer."

"Your deeds are always the best out there Vaughn thanks."

"Anytime Maestro."

As the school bell rang for the next set of classes I headed back to Class 1-2 to begin my homeroom.