Giant Slayer

In the perspective of Natalie...

The guy can fight really but I'm just holding back to learn how this bastard of a mech works. I can't just slice this thing in half without thinking. Is Vaughn already finish analyzing? I can't stall this thing for long without me going full blast.

"Natalie, I found the guy!"

Finally I can go full blast. Trueno do your thing! This technique I perfected has been one of my favorite tricks. Sheathe the sword, charge the railgun, wait for the perfect time... Then RELEASE! The sound of thunder clap echoes through out the forest with the mech sliced in half with a singular upward slice.

The momentum of hitting your blade at terminal velocity is very fun and very powerful. I couldn't take down this mech without any enhancements. But it's surprising they managed to actually make a mech. I wonder how they actually made this thing feasible. Vaughn might take into liking this thing I can't imagine that bonehead selling these mechs to small gangs or some shit.

"Hey, Natalie you took out that mech huh."

"Yeah, I didn't know mechs are feasible as today's weapons."

"Is this the first time you saw one Natalie?"

"Yes, quite surprising that it's the first time you saw one. Mech's have been weaponized quite a while now."

"Wait... What!?"

"I am not kidding. Though this is the first one I saw actually used in the field."

"*Sigh* Thank God. I thought I'm really behind what had changed in this world."

"Don't worry Natalie you're not, that, far behind the development of weapons."

"Okay then, I have the data of the fight for you to learn how these things got deployed so early."

"Thanks... Anyways we have another guy in our list. The idiot who sold these bigger idiots sub-par weapons and ammunition."

"You and your addiction to weapons Vaughn sometimes scare me."

"Anyways let's get Mr. Hudson out of here and into a safe place."

Natalie gets Hudson out of his panic room. While I was investigating mech it has unusual weapons. And I looked at its munitions loaded in. .50 BMG but somethings off... This is not normal brass I need to collect some of them for research. I can tell once we leave they'll take battle data from this mech there should be a black box in this thing.

I found a black box looking thing and placed C4's and explosives around it so no one would extract data from this battle. I grabbed as much different ammo from the mech. Some of its computers as well hoping we can track its manufacturer and the bastard who bought it.

Natalie seems to be displeased with her battle with that mech since she was expecting more from that. Knowing she has become stronger than the last time I met her. But now that we're allies for this conflict she has to comply and cooperate and her revenge match has to be postponed until this mess with Null has been finished up.

"Lightning, Mr. Hudson let's go before they can caught up to this mess we made. Also did you destroy any remaining evidence?"

"Yeah, pretty much everything Mr. Hudson here already did it before hand."

"Good let's get to a safe place now. The Organization will take care of you Mr. Hudson."

"Thanks for hearing me out Mr. Killjoy."

We took whatever we need for to be investigated and left for one of the safe zones of the Organization. I have to give a report about what happened in this operation. Knowing that Maestro would love a detailed report about the shit went down here.

Now, how would I tackle this to Anna. The Organization must be interested on what we've found out there. We drove off after a few hours doing the paperwork, talking to the higher ups, worrying about tomorrows classes. And seems like I have also work to do in the laboratory to learn what are these bullets made out off seemingly different than what they're meant to.

I'm surprised Natalie really did took down that machine in one slice. But I wouldn't be too far off from my prediction due to how strong she already is. After we left a satellite location of the Organization to bring Mr. Hudson to safety. I drop off Natalie near by her complex.

"Good luck in school Ms. Natalie."

"Same goes for you Mr. Vaughn."

And parted ways from that point. I headed to the Boneyard first to grab a sample of .50 BMG from my stockpile to check if there's a significant difference between the two. I went to the small lab I had in the Boneyard and began my investigation.

It took me a few hours to find a huge difference and its a huge one... The material is different this time. It's brass but, denser. It's weird, this is metal I haven't seen before. There's no data about it, no nothing. Not even a report about its incredible lightweight feature. It's denser than brass but its lighter than brass by 34%.

I grab an M82A1 Rifle from the test range and compare the bullet's power. I first tested the normal, high quality .50 BMG. Seems like it penetrated like it should be. Then when I loaded up the Unusual .50 BMG it went straight through more of than wall. "What the hell is this bullet." As I was shocked by its results.

Those sons of bitches. They made a material that negates armor. Another unusual finding I just realized is Natalie was able to deflect some of the bullets. Not even hurting its edge, let's just leave that to Natalie's ability to go beyond what she can do.

What's surprising is it's also bought from the same guy who sold the sub-par munitions to their foot-soldiers. That could be a reason why they had a Mech. They used the foot soldiers to keep us busy until the Mech comes and yet it was defeated not soon after by Natalie. After this I continued investigating until it was morning for my next set of classes.