The royalish dinner - II

James cleared his throat, making his presence known. Adrian cleared his throat as well, acknowledging him with the same action.

"You have dinner tonight, with the O'Sullivans."

"I am aware."

"I have not been instructed about the security detail. Who do you want me to take? Anyone in particular?"

Adrian glanced at him. "No one."

"What?" James stepped closer to his desk. "That is unfamiliar territory. Why would you go there unguarded?"

"I'm not going there unguarded. I will be on my guard and have my weapons with me. However, I am fairly confident that he would not attack me. He won't dare."

After a beat, he continued, "if he wanted to attack me, he would have attacked me. Inviting me to a dinner, in his house, he is planning for an alliance or simply, my support."

"He is losing territories. Quite quickly." James noted. "But why would he ask us for support? It is us who are losing those territories indirectly too."

"To ask me back for them?" Adrian joked, receiving a smile from James. "Lord knows what he wants but dinner is certainly not going to work in his favour."

Killian Sullivan might have thought that inviting him to dinner with the presence of his family members and women was going to urge Adrian to look at things from A different point of view but that would not be it.

Unless it was his family, his concern, nothing else mattered and everything was business.

"Don Salvatore is asking you to save the date for his child's baptism."

"Already did." Adrian muttered. "Martha did."

To have the honour of being the godfather of his friend's child was completely heartwarming. That was something he was never going to miss.

"Are you sure about the dinner?" James pushed.

It was not completely unconventional or out of The blue to go to eat dinner without any of his men standing guard. But to be invited into someone's home, a sacred space, That meant something.

He was not going to go into someone's house and attack them. If they chose to attack him, he was confident that they would regret their mistake and so would everyone else. His army would take them down within seconds.

At first, he had no intention to change for dinner. He had been dressed in the morning but decided against it eventually. Coming back to his house, he greeted his mother who was sitting in the living room, knitting.

"baby blue," he noted. "Who likes baby blue in this house?"

"Your first born, hopefully."

Adrian winced. "A dagger straight in my heart mother. Must you be so cruel?"

Daphne Murphy merely rolled her eyes at the dramatics. "I have been told by the housekeeper that you have a dinner to get to do. Change and show me what you are going to wear."

He cocked up an eyebrow. "I am thirty-two years old, mother."


With a sigh, He walked upstairs where his room was and just as he had suspected, his clothes were already on the bed.

Showering and changing did not take him more than 15 minutes. He did inter change the watch he was wearing. One with the tracker so that James would be at ease.

Kissing his mother on the cheek as a goodbye, never knowing when it might be the last, he made his way to the Mercedes that belonged to his father.

James was there, wearing the dress of the driver making Adrian scoff at his over protectiveness but let it pass nonetheless.

The car rolled out of his estate and he glanced at the time. The dinner was going to be at half past seven and he was going to reach there just in time.