Moments of love - II

The library was just an excuse to spend time with George. If anything, George was a studyholic. He could spend hours in the library, reading books both related to his subject and not and not get bored.

So, the library was just an excuse for her to stare at him while doing her assignments.

How long did she have with him? Six months? At most a year? Or maybe till the end of her graduation, in case the family that she would marry into allowed that because that was something her father was certainly not going to advocate for.

Then she would have to break things with George, release all devices that she would communicate with him and hope that she never saw him again.

It would break her heart to run into him but be on the arm of someone else.

The sudden urge to cry welled up in her throat and she got up. Leaning next to his ear, she whispered, "I am going to get a coffee for myself. Do you want something?"

"No, thank you." He replied back, completely immersed in the book.

Joyce smiled before walking out of the library and towards a cafe. At times, she hated the library and the books inside it because they would divide his attention in between the two of them and the books would win.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket but she let it continue until she paid for the drink and stepped into the side. Then Joyce took it out only for her eyes to widen in fear. It was her father calling.

"Hello, papa."

"Joyce," came his hardened voice, "where are you?"

A shiver of fear ran through her body as she answered, "at the university. I need to use the library for the assignment."

"Hmm, I need you to come home. Immediately."

Fuck, fuck, fuck.


"Yes, now." He grunted out and she flinched but covered it up with a smile when her drink was placed on the counter.

He hung up the phone after that, leaving her in a world of fear. Why had he called her home? He hardly ever did that.

Unless… Someone saw her in George together.

Walking back to the library with her coffee in her hand, she pulled her chair closer to George and placed her hand over the page.

"What?" he grumbled Like a child who was just denied his favourite toy.

Joyce gave him a sad smile, even though she tried for a happy one. "I have to go back home. I had guests coming over for the weekend. Some cousins."

"Oh," he frowned. " Which means you cannot spend The rest of the weekend with me?"

"No," Joyce whispered, controlling through her tears as much as she could. " I have to go, okay?" She did not give him much of an option because she leaned over and placed a case on history before packing her stuff and taking it with her.

Joyce was aware that George was looking at her, but she did not turn back and look. It was hard, possibly the hardest thing that she had ever done but she had to do it.

If she wanted to save him, she had to choose not to look back.

The entire way to the tube, Joyce controlled her tears. She smiled at people that were in her class and wished the professors that she saw. Once she sat in the sticky seat, she let them fall as she cursed her fate.