Responsible for me - II

After three days, she had woken up in the room that Daphne had assigned her.

The detoxification had been a long process, thankfully, Daphne had still been by her side.

During that time, Daphne had informed her about her three children. Adrian; the eldest, Charles; the middle child, and Margaret; the youngest of the three.

Her husband passed away four years ago.

She was on medication but only Daphne had access to it. She would come and give her the medication.

Her eyes moved to the clock right in front of the bed. She had 20 minutes for breakfast, so it was ample time for her to get ready.

Joyce brushed her teeth, took a bath and got dressed for breakfast. Daphne had finally convinced her to come downstairs.

It was only going to be Margaret, and if possible Charles apart from Daphne.

She could handle two people. That should be fairly easy.