Happy vibes - I

By the time Joyce woke up, it was already late in the evening. So she has definitely missed brunch.

Surprisingly enough, neither Daphne, nor Margaret had come to wake her up. Had Adrian informed them that she was going to be sleeping?

A groan left her as she fell back on the bed and covered her face with her hands. The morning had gone horribly wrong.

She had almost given into her urge—

But what would have happened if he had not been there? Then what would have she done?

At least he had been there to hold her through all of it. She could not even imagine herself and that scenario again, and not having someone to hold her.

It was just unimaginable for her to think about what would have happened.

"Oh, good." Daphne smiled as she came inside the room, "you are up."

The moment Joyce heard her voice, she sat up on the bed and returned the smile politely. "Good evening. I'm sorry.—"