He is different- I

Adrian was in the middle of an international video aall when James entered and sat in front of him silently. It was slightly concerning, because James would be told if he was in the middle of something or not, and usually he would leave, unless it was an emergency. The moment he sat down, Adrian knew that it was the latter, and he did not like that.

The moment he was done and closed his laptop, James leaned forward. "Killian O'Sullivan wants to have a meeting with you. I was being approached indirectly, but now, he had the balls to do it directly."

"Where?" it was not out of the ordinary for people to meet. But only if it was just a coincidence. A direct meeting, not deliberately arranged in between people, Killian was definitely having more balls than necessary.

"Somewhere." James answered. "but that is not the point. He was waiting outside the building for me."