Wine breath - II

It was incredibly warm and warm as in hot. Hot as in it was unbearable to continue in this position and she would have a favorite to move away from this source of heat.

Joyce struggled slightly, moving away from it. She released a content sigh when she was immediately met with a cold.

A small tug came and she was back where she came from, irritating her further. It did not make her feel content anymore. Rather, it made her want to get away from him. So, as the last resort, she struggled to get away.

"Steady, Joyce. I'm trying to sleep." The voice rambled against her skin, almost lulling her back to sleep. Joyce gave up her fighting on instinct and snuggled in when a small thought appeared in her mind.

Her eyes snapped open and she raised her body up enough to know that there was a man in her bed. A man!

Joyce jerked away from the person, tangling herself more in the bedding in the attempt and ended up falling down.