A necessary evil - III

"What if someone had a gun to our child's head? Would you let the attacker kill him or would you kill the attacker?"

"I would kill the attacker." She defensively spoke up, there was no way she was going to let her child die.

The question was in itself, ridiculous. There was no way she would ever let her baby die.

"Exactly." He winked.

What, what just happened? How would he just prove his point like that? It was personal!

"I am not doing it." Joyce adamantly called out, staring at his back as she did so.

He nodded with a hum.

That was not convincing. "I mean it. I literally mean what I am telling you."

"I am aware of that." His words had a little bit of mocking undertone. "You haven't mastered the art of lying just yet. I can catch you in time I want."

"Really?" a slow smile stretched over her face as she narrowed her eyes at him. "So if I lie to you, you will know no matter what?"
